Monday, February 17, 2014

Mixtape Monday: B Jamon The Beginning

 The Beginning is always a great place to start.  I say that because many artists feel entitled to certain privileges at their beginnings while not wanting to pay the dues others have to get them.  Most are so worried about the finish line that lose focus on the starting blocks.  Getting out of the blocks cleanly is just as if not more important than the lean at the end.

One thing is certain about B Jamon's "The Beginning" is that there was more than enough attention payed to getting out of the starting blocks clean.  This mixtape was handled with a lot of care and attention to detail.  There is something for everyone on this mixtape.  Jamon blends Hip Hop with R&B and the transition doesn't seem forced or choppy.  I can't really say he is a rapper and I can't say he is a singer, both of which he does extremely well.  He is simply an artist.  A very versatile artist.  He displays his versatility well on Black Rose (Track 4) and Hard for the Money(Track 2).

"It builds character when shit doesn't happen overnight.. " -B Jamon

One of my favorite lines on the entire tape.  There are several great punchlines and pictures painted in this mixtape. Some target women(please listen to Number 2 Track 14), men, or the entire community as a whole.  If this is "The Beginning", you can be sure that the GoodLifeCampaign will be keeping an eye out for the entire journey. #GLC

Reppin: D.O.M.G (Digital Olds Music Group) Grand Rapids, MI

Good Look B!!

DownLoad The Beginning Here!!!!!!!! Download on DatPiff Right Here!!

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